
stop bitching challenge image for blog

The Harsh Voices in Your Head …
Or Welcome to the No B*tching Challenge

Not too long ago, I heard something profoundly simple but it rocked my world. There is no redeeming value in harshness. There is nothing that harshness does which loving firmness doesn’t do better. Terry Real That simple truth went into my soul. I thought about how many times I’ve spoken sharply to – or even

The Harsh Voices in Your Head …
Or Welcome to the No B*tching Challenge
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lose yourself in things you love

The Hardest Homework Assignment Ever:
Making a List of 100 Things You Love to Do

Blank looks. Furrowed brows. Puzzled stares. “You want me to do what??” These are the expressions on the faces of my clients when I give them the hardest homework assignment of our program: Write me a list of 100 things you love to do. Whaaat? You’d think I’d just asked them to re-do their high

The Hardest Homework Assignment Ever:
Making a List of 100 Things You Love to Do
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