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Path to Presence meditation.

… feeling stuck in a soul-destroying job?
… facing a major life transition and don’t know what to do next?
… feeling invisible or under-valued in your current job?
… yearning for a Bigger Life?
If you are waking up feeling depressed, resentful, fearful, burnt out, overwhelmed and unfulfilled, we need to talk.
So many women are raised not to expect too much, want too much, dream too big or see themselves as valuable.

… raised to expect to work very hard – to the bone – for everything we get.
… taught that it’s dangerous to be “too big”, to be seen and heard, to put ourselves forward in any way.
… taught that other people’s needs are more important than our own.
… taught that our gifts and talents are not worth anything and won’t really make a difference in the world

… living the life our parents and families expect for us and we are afraid to disappoint them
… running unhealthy patterns and beliefs of our ancestors without even realizing it
… telling ourselves, we have to wait … that our big dream will come, someday … but someday is always in the far-off future (when we have the time, when we can afford it, when my kids are grown, when my family doesn’t need me, when everything else is done — which is NEVER)
If these stories (they are just stories!) are playing out in your life, let’s change the plot. Right NOW.

- Create a Bigger Vision for yourself — one that is aligned with who you really are (not others’ ideas for you)
- Discover a Clear Path to create that vision — because having an actual plan will give you the clarity and confidence to go for it
- Rewrite the Stories in your head about why you can’t be bigger to why you can and must (soul-destroying work also destroys health and relationships)
- Uncover the Blindspots that are keeping you stuck (those parts of yourself that you need to accept, even love)
- Cultivate Confidence in yourself, so you will stop playing small and make the difference you were born to make (you really were born for this! It’s your birthright.)

Ready to explore what working together can look like?
In this free private, safe space where you can …
- Get clear on the big vision you have for your life
- Identify the biggest roadblocks that are keeping you stuck
- Create a clear plan for you to move forward