I am a silver-haired woman in my 50s, a wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, neighbour, community volunteer, entrepreneur, spiritual seeker, and for the past six years a passionate spiritual guide, teacher, midwife, healer and coach.
I believe too many people are suffering from low-grade depression and frustration in their lives because they are feeling they are stuck in work lives that are no longer fulfilling. They don’t know what to do.
I help people just like you discover your soul-work and fill up with clarity and confidence so you can step into the life you were born to live …. a whole life … a life of fulfillment and prosperity … a life of balanced physical, mental, spiritual health, peace of mind, meaning, money, creativity, connection, adventure and of course, love.
I spent many years on this very path.

With 18 years in a high-profile career as a publicist in the film and television business, I was the envy of many, leading a somewhat exotic life, meeting interesting and creative people, but by the end, it was killing me.
I pushed hard, trying to keep it all going with a baby (my son was born when I was 43 years old) and no desire to write another press release, ever again.
I began selling clothing through a direct sales company. I enjoyed that immensely, because I loved working with women, but I was so, so, so busy juggling a thousand responsibilities and not keeping up with any of it.
I was exhausted, burnt out, and unclear how to make changes despite knowing a lot about how to make changes …
I loved it all – each one had tremendous value and many things shifted over the years, but once again, I was feeling stuck and I didn’t have a lot of time or money to spend on getting unstuck.
I loved it all – each one had tremendous value and many things shifted over the years, but once again, I was feeling stuck and I didn’t have a lot of time or money to spend on getting unstuck.
Enter the Art of Feminine Presence®, and its elegant simplicity, its depth, the realization of my own need to be seen and heard, to express myself, to offer my own gifts in the service of others, to truly make a valuable difference.
I trained to become a Master Teacher of The Art of Feminine Presence and in 2020, I completed two years of intensive metaphysical study to become a Licenced Practitioner with the Centres for Spiritual Living. In 2021, I will become a Certified Coach with Awaken International.
All this living and training has led to teaching and coaching hundreds of women to come back to themselves, to discover their own path, to dream for themselves, to reach beyond their “doing” roles to truly “being”, and then “being on purpose”, finding their Bigger Life — whatever that is for them.
In all cases, it means Self Connection, leading to Self Care, leading to Clarity, leading to Choices that lead to true fulfillment, including soul work that makes a difference in the world and joyful relationships that add peace to our global community.
Do you want a Bigger Life too?
I would be honoured to work with you.

“I feel more confident in my own body and being. I trust my feelings more and feel more in control of my emotions.”
“My connection with the people in my life has dramatically improved. I am more at ease with my mother, I have more empathy with others and I feel more at ease in a room full of people.”
“I was feeling low and disconnected from myself. I left each meeting feeling uplifted and positive and very grateful for what I’d experienced in our class. It was reassuring to be with wonderful women and I looked forward to seeing them, and our teacher, Fran, each week.”
“I know I will leave every session with my reservoir full of joy. The support that you get from spending time on yourself, taking care of yourself, while receiving the support of Fran and the women in the circle is priceless.”